OBD2 J1962 Series


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Light / Fleet vehicle, Cars, Light Vans : Diagnostics & Telematics - ELD - DLC

   Note:  Newer Volvo heavy trucks now also use 16pin OBD2 type connectors as well.

The J1962 OBD2 connector

The OBD2 connector series allows you access data from your vehicle's 16pin diagnostics port with ease. The standard SAE J1962 specifies two female OBD2 16-pin connector types (A & B).  (A type: for 12v type applications,  and B-type: which is typically reserved for 24v.)

In the illustration, you will see an example of a Type A OBD2 pin connector (also sometimes referred to as the Data Link Connector, DLC).

A few things to note:

  • The OBD2 connector is near your steering wheel, but may be hidden behind covers/panels
  • Pin 16 supplies battery power (often while the ignition is off)
  • The OBD2 pinout depends on the communication protocol
  • The most common protocol is CAN (via ISO 15765), meaning that pins 6 (CAN-H) and 14 (CAN-L) will typically be connected
  • Note:  Newer Volvo heavy trucks now also use 16pin OBD2 type connectors as well.
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